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University Assessment & Testing

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2023-2024 and 2024-2025 POA reports are due September 12, 2025.

For more information on assessment, please email

AAIC Vision, Goals, and Structure

Assessment is the process of gathering, analyzing, and interpreting data on student learning and development for the purpose of evaluating educational impact and improving student learning and development.


Improve student learning and development through a nationally-recognized and fully integrated assessment and improvement process.



1. Fully engage all faculty members and units that impact student learning and development in systematic assessment and improvement of student achievement.

a. All degree programs will engage in assessment consistently, regularly, and effectively and will use results from assessment activity to improve.

b. Co-curricular units that impact student learning and development will engage in assessment consistently, regularly, and effectively and will use results from assessment activity to improve.

2. Facilitate implementation of institution-wide assessment activity including general education assessment, institutional surveys, and other institution-level assessment as deemed necessary.

3. Promote initiatives to improve student learning and development based on assessment results. Advocate for implementation of recommendations to improve student learning and development based on assessment results.

4. Provide stewardship of students’ assessment fees.

a. Ensure use of student assessment fees in accordance with guidelines set by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education (OSRHE) and OSU.

b. Carefully and responsibly consider allocation of funds to achieve the most useful results for the benefit of student learning and development.

5. Collaborate with academic and co-curricular programs to establish practices that meet or exceed the assessment requirements of coordinating, governing, and accrediting bodies.

6. Support assessment as an integral part of institutional culture.

a. Inform faculty members, administrators, and other stakeholders about the assessment program and promote the use of assessment results in decision-making processes.

b. Promote the availability of resources to enhance assessment practices and improve the use of assessment results.

c. Inform students about the assessment program and how it is used to improve their learning and development.

d. Integrate assessment with Academic Program Review and other university processes.

e. Support the development of assessment expertise in future faculty members (current graduate students).



7. Increase faculty members’ involvement in assessment and engagement in the scholarship of assessment.

a. Support consultation, workshops, and professional development for faculty members in assessment of student learning and development.

b. Communicate regularly with the campus community about assessment activities and results.

c. Encourage and support faculty members’ scholarly activity in assessment.



8. Support and participate in appropriate accountability initiatives locally and nationally.

9. Communicate assessment results and the use of assessment to implement improvements with external stakeholders including the residents of Oklahoma.

10. Collaborate with feeder K-12 schools and community colleges on assessment and improvement efforts.


The structure of the Assessment and Academic Improvement Council is designed to incorporate representatives from all academic units to facilitate clear communication and cooperation on campus-wide assessment and improvement initiatives. Voting membership of the Assessment and Academic Improvement Council shall include:

  • One representative from University Assessment and Testing (Vice Chair, ex officio)

  • One representative (assistant/associate dean or other) from each of OSU’s colleges (AG, CAS, CVS, CEAT, EHS, GRAD, SSB)        

  • One representative from the OSU Library

  • One representative from OSU’s Division of Academic Affairs

  • One to four representatives from Faculty Council*

  • One representative from Student Affairs

  • One representative from the Committee for the Assessment of General Education (CAGE)**

  • One representative from Institutional Research and Analytics (ex officio)

  • One representative from the Graduate and Professional Student Government Association (ex officio)

  • One representative from the Student Government Association (ex officio)

*Faculty Council will be asked how many representatives (one to four) it would like on the Council.
**only if not otherwise represented on AAIC


The Chair of AAIC serves a two-year term, shall be elected from the regular membership of AAIC, must have a faculty appointment, and must have served at least one year on AAIC prior to being elected to the position. The Chair shall vote only to break a tie.


The primary responsibilities of the chair are to:

  • Preside over meetings of AAIC;

  • Coordinate activities of the ad hoc committees.


The Vice-Chair of AAIC is the Assistant Vice Provost for Accreditation, Assessment, and Testing and serves as a non-voting member.


The primary responsibilities are to:

  • Convene regular meetings of AAIC and organize materials for the meeting agendas;

  • Appoint ad hoc committees for the purpose of completion of special projects or for the development of recommendations to be considered by the full council;

  • Serve as a liaison to other campus committees and groups.