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University Assessment & Testing

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2023-2024 and 2024-2025 POA reports are due September 12, 2025.

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Graduate Student Satisfaction Survey (GSSS)

Below are OSU's results from the Graduate Student Satisfaction Survey (GSSS), conducted for use by the OSU Graduate College and graduate departments on campus.

GSSS Reports

GSSS 2012

GSSS 2010

GSSS 2008

GSSS 2004

GSSS 2002

GSSS 2000

General GSSS Information:

Graduate Student Satisfaction Surveys were conducted on-line and were administered by the office of University Assessment and Testing.  The survey questionnaire consisted of questions relating to graduate student satisfaction with their educational experience at OSU.  Most survey items were topics or statements on which students were asked to indicate their level of satisfaction or agreement using Likert-type scales.  Survey questions addressed graduate students' satisfaction with their graduate program, with advisors, with diversity, and with other relevant areas.  Results were reported for the entire institution.  Department-level reports were provided to each department.  Responses were reported in aggregate only; individual student responses were confidential.