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The goal of the Student Survey of Instruction (SSI) at OSU is to give students an opportunity to provide regular, meaningful comments and feedback to faculty and the University with respect to their experiences in classes taken at Oklahoma State University.  Students are asked to complete an SSI for each class they take.  The survey is to be completed before final exams and before students receive their final grades.  Students have approximately two weeks to complete their Student Survey of Instruction (SSI) evaluations in the fall and spring semesters and 1.5 weeks for summer semesters and 8-week sessions.


SSI Survey Software

OSU uses Qualtrics course evaluation software to deliver the current survey instrument.

SSI Survey Instrument

OSU introduced a new and improved survey instrument in Fall 2020.  Students will find this new survey easier and quicker to complete while providing more meaningful feedback to OSU instructors.  Use the following link to view the new survey:

Sample Student Survey of Instruction

Survey Dates for Fall 2024

Students will be able to access and submit their Student Surveys of Instruction during the following dates: 

  • March 5th, 2025 – March 14th, 2025 (short courses ending before this survey window only)
  • April 21st, 2025 – May 2nd, 2025

For other important dates, view the SSI Timeline

Instructor Information

SSI Instructor Best Practices

      - Recommended instructor best practices to encourage student responses

SSI Student Instruction Sheet for In-Class Survey Delivery

      - Handout for students in face-to-face courses to read aloud

Sample SSI Certificate of Survey Completion


Student Survey Link Access
  • At the beginning of the survey period, students will receive an email with a link to their survey dashboard.

  • Midway through the survey timeframe, reminder emails will be sent for any uncompleted surveys.

  • Students have access to their SSI links in Canvas.

    • Once in Canvas go into any of the courses and click the “Course Evaluations (SSI)” link. This will open “My Survey Dashboard” where each course with an available survey will be listed with a link to the SSI survey for that course during an active survey period.

    • As surveys are completed, the survey will be marked as complete on the dashboard. 

    • Students in courses with multiple instructors may see multiple links for the same course, one for each instructor. Students must select the link for their instructor.

    • Students should NOT change their primary email address in Canvas to a non-OSU email address, as doing so will break the links to their surveys.

Survey Response Rates
  • Response rates for open SSIs are available ONLY during an active survey period. Once the survey timeframe ends, response rates cannot be viewed.

  • Instructors of record in Banner can view the current response rates as their students complete the surveys during the active survey period. Instructors can view current response rates via the new Response Rate dashboard by following these steps:

    1. Login at and select the Faculty Tab.
    2. Click the link labeled "Slate for Faculty."
    3. In the Slate Instructor Academic Alert Dashboard, select "My Courses." The system will search for all of the instructor's courses actively being surveyed and will provide an updated response rate for each. (Please note: this page may take some time to load, and it is updated during the work week each day at 10AM.)
College SSI Coordinators

Each academic college at OSU has a designated SSI Coordinator: Current SSI Coordinators List